The overall goal of the BioInspireSensing network is to train an international group of early stage researchers (ESRs) in all aspects related to new and cutting-edge methodologies to build implantable biodegradable sensors based on modified nature molecules. BioInspireSensing will take advantage of the existing expertise and resources of participants – comprising a multi-disciplinary consortium – to cover almost all the fields from nature molecule up to a final prototype building as a proof of concept. BioInspireSensing is a highly beneficial training system: its radical research is so complex to dissect that it clearly requires a multidisciplinary and multi-sector training programme to achieve breakthroughs that will make it possible to generally control the programed biodegradability of future bio inspired implants, and to use them more efficiently in other sensor systems. Thus, the new trained researchers will be able to understand, explore and develop novel set of implantable sensors.
The interdisciplinary and intersectorial approach of the BioInspireSensing network, will be conducted during 4 training modules, including a summer-school, all of them mandatories for all ESRs and open to students outside the network, covering most of the necessary expertise required to face the research programme beyond the state-of-the art.
Initial training
Description: Supervisors will present the individual research projects and researchers will make poster presentations and short courses are expected.
Organizer: Polytechnic University of Catalonia(UPC)
Location: Barcelona, Spain
First training module
Ion channels: structure and methods.
Description: General training in ion channel to cover main techniques around in silico modelling, basic biophysics of ion channels, ion channels as biological sensors of thermal and chemical stimuli, biophysical models of channel gating experimental approaches to study ion channel gating, structural approaches to ion channel gating and permeation, and ion channel expression and purification.
Organizer: VIB-KU Leuven
Location: Leuven, Belgium
Second training module
Ion channels: families and regulation.
Description: Training module on different families of ion channels, their roles and their regulation. Topics: Ion channel families; roles and regulation of ion channels by small molecules, pH, temperature, lipid components of membranes, expression and trafficking; high-throughput screening of target agonist/antagonist and inhibitors; in silico protein engineering; Genetic methods and ion channel engineering.
Organizer: University of Lausanne (UNIL)
Location: Lausanne, Switzerland
Initial workshop
Description: First international workshop to attract external participants. External renowned scientist and important companies of the field will be invited. The ESRs will present their results to the scientific and relevant industrial community; in addition, a number of top scientists working in the field will be invited to give key-note lectures.
Organizer: University of Groningen (RUG)
Location: Groningen, Netherlands
Summer school
Lipid membranes and membrane proteins out of the cell.
Description: State of the art techniques will be presented to deal with lipid membranes & proteins with hands-on experiments for all ESRs.
Organizer: University of Warsaw (UW)
Location: Warsaw, Poland
Third training module
Transferable skills.
Description: Today's scientists must learn to make their science available not only in academia but also to society. Technology transfer and transferable skills involves among other learning how to protect your research, how to make it public and how to monetize it.
Organizer: Zymvol Biomedical S.L.
Location: Barcelona, Spain
Fourth training module
Bio Inspire sensors: integration and testing.
Description: This module is devoted to introducing all technologies around current and future bioMEMS industry.
Organizer: 4Dcell SAS
Location: Paris, France
Final workshop
Towards future applications of Bio Inspired Sensors.
Description: This module is devoted to introducing all technologies around current and future bioMEMS industry.
Organizer: Polytechnic University of Catalonia
Location: Barcelona, Spain